Oh the wonderful benefits of tea. Calorie free, soothing, anti-oxident rich, contains medicinal properties, curbs cravings and green tea even has fat blasting properties.
Speaking of curb cravings, the other day the JNL FUSION sisters and I were discussing what we do to curb cravings. I listed a few things like chew gum, drink tons of water, take a detox bath and some times just allow myself to have what I want. But one very important technique I have began to enjoy is tea.
Not to mention that recently I have "quit coffee" and tea has been my savior! And that tea is just plain good for you!
So now that we have established how TEA-riffic tea is, it's important to know that tea is even better when you have the right tools. Enter my friend Ellie, the coffee and tea connoisseur. A couple weeks ago Ellie exposed me to this teapot to the right in the photo above. it wasn't this brand, but it's the same kind of teapot. The mesh is so fine that leafs don't get through to the cup your enjoying and when you set the teapot on top of your mug the tea just drains right through! its magnificant and even TEA-licious!
If you are interested in tea a few of my favorite resources are Adagio and Teavana. Teavana has brick and morter stores where you can walk in and test the teas. In fact that's how I discovered teavana, at the Tacoma Mall in Tacoma, WA.
Misty G
Correction, I am back on coffee. But I still enjoy tea daily!