Tuesday, May 3, 2011

GET READY for my 10 day photoshoot prep...

Starting Wednesday May 4th I will be on a 10 day journey to prepare for a photoshoot May 14th. I will be writing down everything I do to prepare. This will include, what I eat, drink and what I do for exercise. How I detox, clear my skin (I struggle with my my skin!), rid cellulite, tighten my skin, spray tan and finally how I pull it all together. Including hair, makeup and clothes.

These next 10 days are particulary important because of my past 4 weeks. over the last 4 weeks I have been out of town at least 3 different times! I have been exhausted and my cold is lingering. To get to the point I have gained a 3-5 pounds back (haven't weighed myself but I know that my jeans aren't fitting as well)!

So Join me over the next 10 days by subscribing to my blog. You'll get tips that have taken me years and money to learn all for free!!

If your frustrated with where your at, get excited! That means you are ready to make a change!

Misty G
 please e-mail me if you have any questions :)


  1. you can do it! you are THE BUSY FITNESS MOMMY, and i am so glad we hung out in Dallas. you got me re-motivated. thanks! btw, i spray tanned and yes they rock!

  2. your amazing Nissa!! thank you for the positive words and yes I am the BUSY FITNESS MOMMY! Busy!! love you!
